The universe of Ludo Lassalle

Ludo Lassalle

France - Ales

His work is structured around several techniques combined: graffiti , collage , writing and painting , which he mixes on canvas . The images he creates resemble the memories of a graffiti artist , crisscrossing his playground which spreads across the city, industrial wastelands , the railway or even underground worlds.

Organic :

Ludo Lassalle is a contemporary French artist.

From the age of 8, Ludo, already passionate and talented, was enrolled at the School of Fine Arts in Calais . Until the age of 20, he received rigorous and academic training in drawing and painting, perfecting his skills and deepening his understanding of art. However, it was the walls covered in graffiti that would mark him and influence his work.

The vibrant and often underground urban art scene fascinates him. As he delves deeper into the subculture of tags and graffiti, his art begins to bear the signature of these bold expressions.

Adopting a nomadic lifestyle, Ludo roams the city with his skateboard in tow, looking for new spots to express his creativity . The railway tracks, which he observed from his bedroom window, quickly became his playground. He explores urban artistic life not only in the Hauts de France region but also in neighboring Belgium and England, drawing inspiration from these diverse sources.

Experimentation is a characteristic of his artistic journey. He experiments with various techniques and then continues his studies at the Beaux-Arts to refine his technique.

His exploration takes him to the asphalt and walls of Paris , Marseille , London , Brussels and even Amsterdam . In search of new horizons, he finally settles in Lille before returning to his Cévennes roots.

In this picturesque setting, Ludo's studio, facing the railway, is expanding. His enthusiasm for painting continues to grow and he
ventures into various formats and media, often favoring
recycled materials that he can ingeniously reuse. By multiplying his artistic techniques, he brings his paintings to life on facades, roofs, streets, industrial wastelands and the very landscapes he explored as a child.

Ludo's artistic vision is global, capturing urban space from many angles. His works bear marks, drips and paint chips, adding an authentic urban texture to his canvases.

The Artist's Universe

Oeuvre Beton Ludo
DESSIN friche industrielle
Graffiti Ludo