The site is published by the company NIGHTIME, a simplified joint-stock company with a single shareholder with a share capital of 1,000 Euros, registered in the commercial register, whose head office is at 8 rue Danton, 92300 Levallois Perret. telephone number 0618901639 email:

The manager of NIGHTIME and director of publication is Thomas Bettencourt.

Access to the site and its use applies to the terms of use below. Any user accepts without formality all the points according to the rules.


2.1 Ownership

NIGHTIME is the owner of the domain name of the site.

The whole of the site: texts, photographs, videos, illustrations, graphic charters and logo, constitute works of the spirit protected by articles L.111-1 and following of the code of the intellectual property. Only the NIGHTIME Company is authorized to use the intellectual property rights of the website and its content.

2.2 Sanctions

The total or partial use of the site with the exception of personal and private use for commercial or non-commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. The violation of NIGHTIME's rights exposes any legal or natural person to the penalties provided for under the Intellectual Property Code as well as those provided for in the Civil Code.

2.3 Hypertext links

All Hypertext links not authorized in advance and in writing by NIGHTIME, referring to one of the pages or elements making up the site is prohibited. The director and manager has the right to terminate any written authorization at any time.
NIGHTIME declines all responsibility with regard to all the hypertext links used which lead back to the site, its access and its content.


3.1 Nature of Personal Information

This tab is dedicated to our Privacy Policy.
What we call personal information is all the data (e.g. username, password, first name, last name, date of birth, postal address and email) that we may ask you to allow you to become a "contact" member of NIGHTIME. This information that we collect can allow, directly or indirectly, NIGHTIME to identify its prospects and their needs, to communicate and to send the newsletter. When the prospect provides the elements which constitute the personal information, he undertakes to answer all the questions and to transmit these various elements to NIGHTIME, so that all information is accurate, updated and does not prejudice to any third party in any way whatsoever.

3.2 Consent

No information collected on the site can emanate without the consent of its author. The optional or mandatory nature of the information is specified upstream by NIGHTIME, and anyone is not obliged to provide their personal information to NIGHTIME.

3.3 Processing of personal information.

The NIGHTIME company is solely responsible for the collection and processing of personal information.

3.4 Destination of personal information.

NIGHTIME is the sole recipient of the information collected on the site.

NIGHTIME will only transmit your personal information when:
You have given your prior consent,
Nightime is forced and summoned by a legal or administrative authority to provide it with this information.
To allow you to access the various services that we will be able to satisfy according to your requests.

3.5 User rights

In accordance with the law relating to data processing, files and freedoms n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, the Site has been the subject of a declaration of automated processing of personal data with the CNIL (receipt No. 1724845 v O). Each user has a right of access, a right to rectify, complete, update, lock or delete personal data concerning him, to oppose their processing, to request a limitation of their processing and finally the right to the portability of personal data.

To exercise their rights, each user can contact NIGHTIME by email at the following address:
Otherwise by making a complaint to the supervisory authority, the CNIL, in the event of violation of these rights.

4. Responsibility

NIGHTIME tries to ensure to the best of its responsibility the accuracy of the content and updates published on the site, and also reserves the right to modify or correct its content at any time and without notice.

Nightime cannot be held responsible for:

any omission, imprecision or inaccuracy of information published on the website.

for all damages and repercussions in the event of hacking or computer intrusion having allowed a modification of the information available on the website.

finally, more generally, for all damages, direct or indirect, whatever the causes, origins, nature and consequences, caused by anyone's access to the Site or the impossibility of accessing it, as well as the use of the Site and/or the credit granted to any information coming directly or indirectly from the latter.

NIGHTIME implements means intended to ensure the security of files created from personal data collected on the Site. However, it is recalled that the NIGHTIME company does not control the risks associated with the operation of the Internet and draws the attention of users to the existence of possible risks in terms of confidentiality of data transiting via this network.
5. Changes to notices

NIGHTIME warns users of the website that all or part of the terms may be modified, enhanced without notice and are deemed accepted by each user as soon as they are put online.

5.1 In case of Disputes

These terms comply with French law, in particular the provisions of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy and Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to the computers, files and freedoms. The French courts have territorial jurisdiction to hear any dispute relating to the use of the Site, unless otherwise provided by Regulation No. 44/2001 of December 20, 2000 on jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of decisions in civil matters. and commercial (Brussels I).

For any questions relating to all of these notices and their uses, users can contact NIGHTIME at the following address: